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  • How email marketing BEATS 📈Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube

How email marketing BEATS 📈Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube

🙄Is it really a surprise though?!

How AI-Driven Email Marketing Reigns Supreme for Bail Agents

Hi, I’m Nick with AI for Bail Agents. In this issue, we’ll discuss:

  • How email marketing outperforms social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

  • How best to choose the subject of a post.

  • Special offer to review your social media strategy for optimization (FREE).



Above is my personal dry erase board in my bedroom to remind me that “everything requires a strategy.” Personally, I know that so long as I go to bed at 9:30pm, I’m likely to wake up at 5:45am to train jiu jitsu with Nicholas Meregali, the #1 jiu jitsu fighter in the world (pictured below).

As bail agents navigating the dynamic world of social media, it's crucial to stay ahead of our competition with effective marketing strategies. Let’s be real; if you're just posting content without a strategy, you’re wasting your time. Content should ideally be evergreen, scheduled across multiple platforms, and measured on a weekly basis to determine reach. I did an experiment perfectly executing the aforementioned, and rediscovered what was in plain sight - the superiority of email marketing over all other platforms.

Why Email Marketing Stands Out 

In our industry, direct communication with current, past, and prospective clients, as well as referral partners such as attorneys, is crucial. As small business owners in the bail bond sector, we gather email addresses through our application processes, primarily to notify clients about court dates. However, the value of these email addresses extends far beyond this initial purpose.

What we possess in these email lists is a hyper-targeted lead database, an asset that is exceedingly valuable and superior to other types of leads.

Consider this: in other industries, businesses often pay upwards of $50 per click for leads through Google or other lead generation services. In contrast, our email addresses are essentially hot leads that come at no additional cost. These are individuals and families who have already engaged with the bail bond process, demonstrating their trust and reliance on our services.

Unlike broad and non-specific social media posts, our emails directly reach people who have already hired us, or are highly likely to seek our services in the future. This level of targeted marketing is unparalleled, making email marketing not just a tool for communication, but a strategic asset for business growth and client retention in the bail bond industry.

The Power of Direct Reach 

A recent campaign I conducted using AI tools demonstrated the undeniable power of email. With an impressive 41% open rate (pictured above), email outperformed other platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram. This isn't just about numbers; it's about the quality of engagement and the direct connection I touched with 279 out of 674 customers.

Let’s now compare that to the 1.2K followers my bail company has on Facebook, who were given the exact same post to view:

Facebook: 15 people reached

My video reached only 15 out of 1.2K followers.

“The average click through rate on a Facebook post is 0.07%.”

Now let’s go down the line and review all the other platforms.

LinkedIn: 110 impressions 😤

Instagram: 159 views

YouTube: 53 views

A Lesson from the Past: The Ad Ban

Remember back in 2018, when bail agents were ad banned on platforms like Facebook and Google? This highlights the risk of over-reliance on these platforms. Email, in contrast, offers a stable and reliable channel, free from the risk of deplatforming or shadow banning.

Evergreen Content: A Case in Point 

Consider the evergreen nature of content like "Top Tips When Under Arrested." This kind of advice is timeless and universally relevant. I encourage all bail agents to choose evergreen subjects for social media posts, since whether you create media that is good for 1 day or 1,000, the time and effort is the same!

Your Next Step: A Personalized Strategy Review

Are you a bail agent questioning the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy? I'm here to offer my expertise. With my experience in running a bail bond company, I understand the intricacies of our industry's marketing needs. To the first three bail agents who reach out, I will provide a comprehensive audit of your marketing strategy at no cost. This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights, so act quickly. For those who miss this initial offer, stay tuned for future opportunities.

Spread the Word 

If you find these insights valuable, I encourage you to share this newsletter with a colleague. Let's extend these benefits to others in our field.

I look forward to your feedback and the opportunity to collaborate in enhancing your social media strategies with AI-driven email marketing.

Be well,
