ChatGPT hacks for Bail Agents (#6-8)


“Smarter Business, Bigger Profits”

Aloha fellow bail agents, it’s Nick. While I channel my inner Steve Jobs, in this issue, we’ll explore:

  • ChatGPT hacks for bail agents (#6-8)

  • Why you should NOT be married to ONE specific AI platform

  • How AI can help you boost productivity 📈 while saving you time ⏳

ChatGPT Hacks for Bail Agents (#6-8)

#6: Integrate AI Chatbots - A must for your website, optional but beneficial for your social media accounts.

The bail bond business isn’t just about speed, price, or quality—it’s about availability. Adding a chatbot to your website keeps potential clients engaged with your service while you get back to them, potentially securing a deal before they look elsewhere.

There are two ways to add an AI chatbot to your website; the easy way or the DIY way. I recommend the easy way.

-Nicholas Lindblad
  • Easy Integration: For about $99/month, an SEO company can seamlessly add a chatbot to your site and provide a basic script to collect essential client information. This method is reliable and efficient, though it comes at a higher price point.

  • DIY Approach: This more hands-on and cost-effective method, ranging from $15-40/month, involves setting up and managing the chatbot yourself. Platforms like ManyChat and Intercom can get you started, though I advise thorough research before making a decision.

#7: Be non-exclusive with your AI platforms

I know I met a majority of this readership while presenting OpenAI’s ChatGPT, but I must encourage all my readers to be open to other platforms. For example, Google’s BARD surpasses ChatGPT in making travel arrangements, and it’s not even close. Check this out::

Notice above how BARD can access Google Flights and Google Hotels in real time to present flights, prices, and times for my upcoming trip to the 2024 PBUS convention. At this moment, ChatGPT cannot analyze real time data from the internet, while on the other hand BARD can.

As a bonus tip, type “@gmail” then ask BARD a question like, “can you remind me of when the PBUS convention is?” and the AI will scrape through your email inbox and give you a surprisingly accurate answer ⬇️:

The game-changing update to BARD is its integration with your existing Gmail account. This means your emails, spreadsheets, documents, and other Google products are all seamlessly connected. Unfortunately, ChatGPT can’t sift through your emails, giving BARD a clear advantage.

#8: Preset “Custom Instructions” to save time and get more accurate answers.

Remember ChatGPT hack #5, where I advise users to qualify each question asked by saying something along the lines of “You are an expert in (insert blank). I need to know (insert question). Ask me questions, so I know you understand what I mean.”

This gets redundant over time, so why not present your most common instructions by going down to the lower left hand corner of ChatGPT and inputing your “custom instructions.”

Once you select “Custom instructions,” the following field will appear. Feel free to steal my instructions. 😉⬇️

Notice how I protect myself from “hallucinations” or responses where the AI model generates inaccurate or nonsensical answers, by requesting that results come complete with citations. This hack will help you “set it and forget it,” for all future inquiries.

Lastly, I highly encourage my readership to save the date of February 25-28, 2024. The PBUS board has generously extended my presentation slot and increased the seating capacity in anticipation of a large audience for my follow-up session on AI for bail agents. Given the rapid pace of advancements in AI, by next year, we will have access to an array of new tools designed to save time and increase profits. I am eager to assist my fellow bail agents in elevating their businesses to new heights. 

Until then, be well.


PS: Here’s a bonus nugget from last year’s speaker Alex “Skip Guru” Price. In this video, Mr. Price explains the 3 essential questions every fugitive recovery agent should ask about a skip.